Retreats & Workshops

Our transformational dance retreats in wild nature for mixed genders, are a highlight of our programs and take place 4 times a year with seasonal themes and include a women’s only retreat. These dance retreats in various locations, including The Blue Mountains and South Coast NSW offer a deeper immersion over 3 – 5 days where we can retreat from the busyness of everyday life with a small group of people to do deep healing and transformational work and deepen our connection to nature.

They incorporate 5Rhythms dance, dance therapy, & nature practises, with guest facilitators offering yoga, sound healing and chanting. These retreats are life changing and take clients on an immersive journey to connect deeply with their soul wisdom to listen, heal and  discover new pathways and empowering choices to move forward in life. These containers are a deep journey into sacred space, where our collective intention and purpose creates a powerful field for healing, rejuvenation and change.

Upcoming Retreats & Workshops

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Radiance Sisterhood 5Rhythms Dance Spring retreat with Michelle Mahrer, Sara-Jane Cleland, Mukti Mignon & Aviva Pinkus.

27 - 30 Sept  South Coast NSW

Unfurl and Blossom into life with fresh vitality and inspiration in pristine nature at our annual Radiance Spring Sisterhood retreat. Come home to your Body and Soften into your Feminine essence in the warmth and safety of our sacred sisterhood container. Awaken your intrinsic healing energy, Activate new potentials, Cultivate the Spirit of Love, Joy, Gratitude and Abundance. Relax into your authenticity and ease.

The 5Rhythms dance elemental map Earth(Flow), Fire(Staccato), Water(Chaos), Air (Lyrical) and Ether(Stillness) and nature practises open the gateway to our innate replenishing energy. Witnessing movement practise helps us resolve inner obstacles and old stories creating space for new beginnings. Ignite your spirit, Spread your wings & Energise your passion, carried by the rhythm of lyrical. Be celebrated and inspired by sisterhood to soften into your heart and share your unique gifts.

Our sacred sisterhood container offers a deeply held space to be seen, witnessed and held, nourishing new growth, self-confidence and empowerment.


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5days 5Rhythms  Autumn Cleanse For Women Online April 15 - 20 

 Autumn is a time of letting go and shedding the old.

The intention of this 5Day 5Rhythms Dance Morning practise challenge is to gather every morning for 5 days in a supportive and energising womens container, to connect with the purifying energies of Autumn; dance with whatever is present, and release old layers of holding in your body, mind, spirit and soul. Where are we holding on to old ways of being? Where are we carrying burdens that are not ours? Where are we draining our energy? Where are we holding onto old relationships that are no longer energising us? By gathering together in a sacred container online, amplifies our connection to the purifying energies of Autumn so we can create more space and freedom to be ourselves.

Each day we will explore one aspect of our being and one rhythm.

Day 1 Body (Flowing)

Day 2 Heart (Staccato)

Day 3 Mind (Chaos )

Day 4 Spirit (Lyrical)

Day 5 Soul (Stillness)

Click on link for more info



“Thank you Michelle for being a finely tuned facilitator, counsellor, medicine woman, protector, organiser, creator of such a beautifully profound weekend. What we have all shared together will sustain me for months if not years. I discovered so much about my self, my relationships with others and my dance practice itself. The dance retreat was extraordinary, it has provided so much richness. I have walked away with such a large bag of tools to keep me present and bring me joy. There were so many moments of opportunity to explore my body (it’s moves). Also to explore relating to a brave, open, ready, deeply creative bunch of people. I came to the retreat in the hope I could have the time and sacred space to commune with my own process and to commune with Keith (my husband now passed). I was blessed to have experienced both.”

~ Wendy Keen


Feeling so content and peaceful after the weekend retreat. I am so grateful and feel so blessed to have been a part of such a meaningful weekend. I feel I finally have a beautiful big hearted community that I can be part of. I have come home feeling revitalised and so relaxed and calm. Thank you Michelle for a life changing experience.”

~ Bev Silberman


I came to the retreat to recharge and let go of some of the things that hold me back: I lead a busy life – as a parent and a doctor and I spend a lot of my time and energy being responsible for others. I am aware that the more I work on healing and bringing joy into my life, the more I can thrive in my role as a care giver. The retreat was everything I hoped for and yet more. The dance, music, yoga, food and nature were all wonderful and the support of the other participants was incredible. The connection within the tribe that formed had a profound impact on me. Human beings need to connect with each other for wellbeing and I had been yearning for such an experience for a while.  Michelle is an excellent facilitator and her experience shone through. She provided a safe container for the exploration of movement and the whole spectrum of emotions that comes up as a result of the practice. I had complete trust in her safely guiding us all through.

~ Lucy Wagemaker

© Michelle Mahrer

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We acknowledge First Australians, the traditional custodians of country throughout Australia. We recognise their continuing culture, their contribution and connection to land, waters and community, and we pay our respect to elders past, present and emerging.

Photography of Michelle Mahrer: Vanessa Forbes  |  Website Design: Honor Morningstar  |  Website Build: Rachelle Deem  |   Dance photos: Vanessa Forbes, Ella Dreyfus & Hayley Melrose